Endodontics in Ewell

Procedures like endodontic treatment may sound intimidating, but the fantastic team at The Parade Dental Practice is here to save your tooth and restore your smile.

Understanding Endodontics (Root Canal Treatment)

Endodontics focuses on studying, diagnosing, or treating the dental pulp and the tissues surrounding the tooth’s root.

Also known as root canal treatment, this procedure is designed to eliminate the bacteria from inside a tooth. If a tooth cracks, has a deep cavity, or has problems from a past filling, there’s a higher chance of bacteria reaching the area inside the tooth.

Dental decay that enters the tooth infects the tooth pulp (the area with nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissues). Healthy mouths and teeth typically have hard outer layers to protect the pulp.

Should the inside of a tooth become infected, root canal treatment is needed as soon as possible to treat the infected tissue. If the tooth is untreated, an abscess slowly develops, which we can usually only resolve by removing the tooth. Endodontic treatment is the best option to save and treat an infected tooth once it reaches this stage.

The good news is that root canal treatment is a common, routine procedure. Our dentists are meticulous and will treat every patient with the highest level of care and comfort during the process.

Symptoms of a Root Canal

Signs of having a root canal can be caught early by noticing symptoms like:

What to Expect During Root Canal Treatment

The experienced dentists at our Ewell practice have treated many root canal issues with outstanding and effective results. Patients who visit us when the infection is in the early stages give our team a better opportunity to relieve the pain, treat the infection, and save the tooth.

Root canal treatments are performed using a local anaesthetic and feel similar to getting a regular filling. The appointment is slightly longer, but your dentist will work diligently to remove the infected pulp tissue in the tooth before cleaning the area.

Once we clear out all the infected tissue and thoroughly clean the area, we fill and seal the tooth. Depending on your oral health needs, a dental crown may be used to cover the treatment area to provide more strength and support. The main goal and result of the treatment is to restore, strengthen, and protect the tooth.

Advantages of Endodontic Treatment

Endodontic or root canal treatment benefits your whole mouth and contributes to the long-term health of your teeth. Other benefits of this procedure include:

Treat and Resolve Your Tooth Pain

If you’re experiencing soreness or toothaches, don’t hesitate to book an appointment with our friendly and compassionate team. We’ll assess your teeth, determine the root issue, and discuss the best treatment options for your oral healthcare needs.

Recovering from Endodontic Treatment

After your treatment, the local anaesthetic may take up to four hours to wear off. Most patients can return to work or school, but taking care of yourself is recommended. Wait to eat or drink until the numbness is gone to avoid biting your cheek or tongue. If you experience any pain or discomfort, take an anti-inflammatory pain reliever such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen.

When you regain the feeling in your face and mouth area, you can begin to eat or drink again. Soft foods with little to no chewing are best for the next few days. It’s also best to avoid sticky, hard, and cold foods.

Follow your treatment aftercare instructions for cleaning and check-ups, and be sure to contact your dentist if you experience any new or lingering issues.