Emergency Dental Treatments in Ewell

When a dental emergency or accident happens, contact us immediately so our team at The Parade Dental Practice can provide you with fast and advanced treatment.

What to Do During a Dental Emergency

If your dental emergency occurs during practice hours, call us right away. We strive to see patients with severe issues on the same day, but contacting us as early as possible is recommended to ensure our dentists are available. Our phone line is open starting at 8:00 am from Monday to Friday. A friendly and understanding team member will ask you about your situation and the extent of the dental damage.

If you need emergency dental treatment outside of opening hours, phone our practice at 020 839 31337. You’ll hear an automated message with specific instructions and information for the day.

Take your dental emergency seriously and act quickly to avoid long-term damage. If there is blood in your mouth, gently rinse with water and use a cold compress or ice pack to reduce swelling. Remember to breathe, stay calm, and follow any instructions given. Our practice in Ewell is here for you and your dental emergency.

What Qualifies as a Dental Emergency?

In a dental emergency, you may experience one or more of the following:

Call our practice without hesitation if you currently have any of these symptoms.

Since they are generally not emergencies, we can treat minor issues like chipped teeth, sensitivity to hot or cold temperatures, or crown repair during regular opening hours.

Types of Dental Emergency Treatments

Our professional team of dentists are committed to providing first-class dental care. We strive to help our patients as soon as possible with emergencies. We’re here for you during accidents or unexpected injuries – whether you have extreme pain or a broken tooth or jaw.

Here are some dental emergencies we treat:


If your tooth or teeth are in pain, this may indicate an abscess or bacterial infection. Seek treatment as soon as possible by scheduling an appointment.

Chipped or Broken Tooth

Chipped teeth with minor pain are generally not considered a dental emergency. Call our team and tell them what happened if you’re concerned or worried. A chipped tooth can usually wait for repair as our dentist gathers more information to propose the best treatment plan.

If your tooth breaks, see a dentist immediately to increase the chances of saving the tooth. There’s a high chance of saving the broken tooth, but it may have damage inside, so it’s vital to seek treatment right away.

Knocked Out Tooth or Teeth

For patients who experience a tooth getting knocked out due to a severe hit or collision to the head or face, contact us immediately to increase the chances of your natural tooth taking root to the gums again. You can save the damaged tooth if you take quick action. Pick up the tooth by the crown and avoid touching the roots. Rinse the dislodged tooth gently with water, and be careful not to clean or remove any tissue attached. Once your tooth looks clean, place it back into the socket and bite down gently.

If the tooth doesn’t fit into the socket, place it in a sealed container of cold milk and bring it with you during your emergency treatment. Our team will do their best to save your natural tooth or provide alternative treatment options.

How to Avoid Emergency Dental Treatments

Stay current and up to date with your routine cleanings and check-ups. Visiting a dentist twice a year can reduce the chances of severe oral health issues or emergency dental treatment. Your dentist will monitor your teeth for signs of decay, infection, or gum disease and review past treatments like fillings, crowns, veneers, or implants. Continue good oral hygiene habits at home to keep your mouth and teeth healthy. Our team is always happy to help if you have questions or concerns about your dental care.