Dental Implants in Ewell

Elevate the health and appearance of your smile with effective and long-lasting dental implants.

Replace Lost Teeth and Get Your Smile Back

Tooth loss or removal can have a massive effect on happiness, lifestyle, and social interactions. At The Parade Dental Practice, we understand the difficulties of dealing with teeth that are missing or damaged. We strive to improve every patient’s quality of life with safe, comfortable, and exceptional oral healthcare services.

Dental implants are an optimal alternative to dentures or bridges. Implants are permanent titanium fixtures that get fused to the jaw bone. The procedure is surgical yet minimally invasive. Our dentists will discuss all the details with you before the treatment to ensure you feel prepared, relaxed, and confident about your new implants and improved smile.

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are a preferred treatment option for those missing a tooth or multiple teeth. Implants also strengthen the jaw and support bone structures to improve the oral cavity and your dental health.

The procedure involves embedding a small screw-shaped post into the jaw. The implant becomes securely anchored into the mouth as the bone grows. It’s finished with a natural-looking false tooth or dental crown, which we attach to the implant abutment.

Dentures and bridges may become loose and unstable over time, but dental implants offer a sturdy and permanent solution. Implants function like natural teeth and feel more comfortable than appliances like dentures or bridges.

The health and stability of your jawbone may affect whether or not implants are a suitable option. Book a consultation with our team to see if implants are right for you or to discuss other solutions for your dental health needs.

The Benefits of Dental Implants

Want to preserve or upgrade your smile? Dental implants are a fantastic tooth replacement solution with plenty of additional health benefits. Caring for your oral health contributes to healthier, active lifestyles.

These are some of the main benefits of dental implants:

Professional and caring, we focus on making our patients feel comfortable and informed about their oral health care options. If you have any questions or concerns about dental implants or would like to schedule an appointment at 020 8393 1337 or [email protected].

Restore Your Smile and Confidence

Curious about dental implants? Reach out for an initial evaluation. Our team at The Parade Dental Practice is here to give you all the information you need to make the best choice for teeth and smile.

When to Consider Dental Implants

There are many reasons to get a dental implant besides replacing a tooth. Implants are one of the healthiest options to prevent new or complicated dental issues from happening or reoccurring.

Additionally, implants can:

We recommend talking to a dentist for dental implant advice if you lose an adult tooth or need multiple teeth extracted.

How Long is the Implant Procedure?

Even though the process includes surgery, the dental implant procedure has minimal discomfort and is relatively quick to complete. The treatment typically takes two to six months, depending on the number of implants and the patient’s unique situation. Dental implants are a versatile solution for many patients seeking replacement teeth. If you want an efficient and reliable way to reclaim your smile, contact our dental practice in Ewell today.